Sunday, November 2, 2008

Modern Day McCarthyism

       Another thought that has been rolling around my brain as of late is: what is with all the brandishing about of the word "patriotism"? I mean, patriotism tests? I guess it all started with 9/11 when extreme patriotism came into fashion. Please, please don't misunderstand me. 9/11 was terrible and horrible and it was reassuring to see the country band together. But, news flash, pasting the American flag on everything from car stickers, to T-shirts, to boxers is not patriotic. Having a flag on everything does not make you a better person or mean that you love your country more. Actually, I feel that having the flag on things like boxers is pretty disrespectful. The flag is supposed to be a symbol of our country, not a design to cover your derrière. Yet again, I digress. Back on topic:  Living in America these past eight years we have had the idea that criticizing your government or the choices it makes is “unpatriotic”.  Speaking out against your country’s actions is not, let me repeat this, NOT unpatriotic. In fact, that’s kind of like more patriotic. Our founding fathers’ envisioned a country where you could speak your mind, not one that condemns criticism and controls media coverage. That’s called fascism, folks. You cannot hide behind the flag. You have the choice, the right, to burn that flag if you so choose. I may not agree with what you do in reading or writing or demonstrations (& I defiantly do not agree with flag burning) but, to paraphrase Voltaire, I would defend to the death your right to do it. And that is what patriotism is all about. So next time you hear someone going on and on about how this candidate or the other is unpatriotic, ask yourself “would they defend my right to burn the flag, or write controversial material, or even speak up for myself?” and then you’ll have an idea of how patriotic they truly are.


Our purpose now is to reclaim democracy itself. We are here to affirm that when Americans stand up and speak their minds and say America can do better, that is not a challenge to patriotism; it is the heart and soul of patriotism.

--Sen. John Kerry

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